Christoph Erath
Offizielle akademische Titel: (HS-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.rer.nat.)
PH Vorarlberg
(University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg)
Liechtensteinerstraße 33-37
6800 Feldkirch, Austria
Raum: 128
Tel.: +43 (0)5522 31199-122
E-Mail: christoph.erath(at)
I am a Professor in Mathematics. I study different aspects of numerical schemes for partial differential equations.
Some research interests:
- Schemes: Finite Element Methods (FEM), Finite Volume Methods (FVM), Boundary Element Methods (BEM), Discontinuous Galerkin Methods (DGM), Coupling
- A priori and a posteriori error (robust) analysis
- Adaptivity, mesh refinement strategies
- Numerical schemes for climate modeling
- Developing of new teaching formats in cooperation with local companies
The relation of my research area to a topic for a school lecture
is reflected in the slides (in German)
Mathematik einmal ungenau, oder doch nicht?
Können wir unsere Welt im Schlunterricht approximieren?
Refeered Publications (at least two referees)
Proceedings (publications for marketing)
2016 | C. Erath, G. Of, and F.-J. Sayas. A non symmetric FVM-BEM coupling method, PAMM, 16(1): 743-744, 2016. 18th annual meeting GAMM. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201610360 (Open Access) |
Betreuung von Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten in verschiedenen mathematischen Themengebieten.
Bei Interesse melde Sie sich bitte unter
Regelmässige Lehrveranstaltungen:
- VO Angewandte Mathematik (3 SSt)
- PS Angewandte Mathematik (3 SSt)
- VO Analysis 2 für Lehramtsstudierende (4 SSt)
- PS Analysis 2 für Lehramtsstudierende (3 SSt)
- VO Partielle Differentialgleichungen für Lehramtsstudierende(2 SSt)
- SE Seminar mit Bachelorarbeit(2 SSt)
- PJ Masterarbeit
2021 (28) | M. Elasmi, C. Erath, and S. Kurz. The Johnson-Nédélec FEM-BEM Coupling for magnetostatic problems in the isogeometric framework. Available on arXiv:2110.04150. |
Short CV
- since September 2020: Professor at the University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (PH Vorarlberg, Austria)
- In December 2020 (finalization Oktober 2020) I was awarded the venia docendi (Habilitation, Privatdozent) from TU Wien (Austria) in Applied Mathematics.
- From September 2014 to August 2020 I was a Professor for Numerical Mathematics at TU Darmstadt (Germany) at Department of Mathematics (Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing group). I was the head of a team (PostDoc and PhD). My performance was positiv evaluated in June 2017 (equivalent to a habilitation).
- Assistant (Univ. Ass. with teaching) from September 2013 to August 2014 at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria.
- PostDoc from August 2010 to July 2013 at National Center for Atmospheric Research and University of Colorado at Boulder in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
- PhD (Dr. rer. nat., summa cum laude, July 2010) in Mathematics from Ulm University, Germany.
- University Assistant (with teaching) from October 2005 to August 2010 at the Institute for Numerical Mathematics, University of Ulm, Germany.
- Master degree (Dipl.-Ing., with honor, October 2005) in Technical Mathematics from the TU Wien, Austria.
Selected Grants and Awards
My research was honored by several grants and awards. , e.g.:
- Award 2012 from the Ulmer Universitätsgesellschaft for my PhD Thesis
- PhD scholarship from the federal state Baden-Württemberg, Germany, March 2007 - February 2010
- Award 2006 from the Austrian Mathematical Society (ÖMG) for my Diploma Theses
10/2020 | Habilitation Thesis Advanced Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics Problems - Theory, Analysis, Numerics, and Application. |
04/2010 | PhD Thesis Coupling of the Finite Volume Method and the Boundary Element Method - Theory, Analysis, and Numerics. Ulm University, Germany, 2010. DOI: 10.18725/OPARU-1794 |
09/2005 | Diploma Thesis (in German) Adaptive Finite Volumen Methode. TU Wien, Austria, 2005. |